The plan is to go to Menorca for a night or two before making the crossing to Carloforte in Sardinia. Most people think of the Med as a nice, blue, calm sea but, in fact in can be a nightmare! Sudden winds can arrive with little warning from the north, often reaching force 8!
When the weather's looking good we'll head off from Sardinia to Sicily and, if possible, call in to see some of the active volcanic islands just to the north. Apparently, the sea temperature can reach 40 degrees where the lava flows into the sea!
We'll then go round the north coast of Sicily and down to Syracuse which is supposed to be beautiful. I'll let you know!
It's a straight run then (about 240 miles) across to Kefalonia where we are attending a wedding on the 25th June. Jayne and Ros (Martin's wife) will join us there and we'll spend the next two weeks cruising up to Corfu before returning to the UK on 9th July.
We'll return to Corfu on 22nd July and make the trip up to Split, in Croatia, via Albania (if we're brave enough) and Montenegro.
It's around 1800 miles. I know that doesn't sound much, but at 8 knots that's 225 hours!