Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Just a little 'blogette' today.

Firstly, let me just say 'thanks' for all your comments.  Obviously, I can't reply to all of 'em or we'll be off on long conversations and I'll be spending hours on the old computer (and 'im indoors will be moaning at me).  But I do appreciate them and it's nice to see people making the effort to do all the Google signing-up stuff which, apparently, isn't as easy as it sounds (but come on Ros, you can do it!).

Today, we've been mostly 'fiddling'.  All technical stuff - a water leak from the hot water overflow valve - problems with the salt water circulation system and seeing if we can fit a hot water circulation system.  Go on, you're riveted, aren't you?

For everybody else - the weather hasn't been too bad today- cloudy this morning, sunny this afternoon and here's a nice photo of the port for you.
You can just see Kuna nestling amongst the 'rag & string' brigade, towards the right
Tomorrow we'll head down to Teulada, a new marina apparently built in the middle of nowhere.  The pilot book says that it has no restaurants or shops 'but a mobile cantina visits everyday'.  That'll be an Italian burger van then!

Four hours in a forecast force 4.  'Should be fun!

Oh, you wanna know about Carloforte?  It's alright, I suppose.


  1. Thank you for the latest "blogette" Loved all the stuff about the overflow valve and the circulation system. Really makes me feel like I am actually there!
    Not going to say anything over mushy like "I miss you" cus everybody would be able to read it and make fun of me.
    Force four eh? One word of advice for MV.....Quells!! Have fun xx

  2. You left Alcudia just in time , the most amazing storms tonight! Not wind but amazing thunder and lightening. Had supper with your namesake ( the other guitar player, John Craddock and Lynda who are here for a month). Martin is storm bound in Aguadulce! Still trying to get the second boat to Gib! STRESSED I AM NOT ! Our regatta is only all but a week away. Still just another day in Paradise here! Oops sorry to hear that you have tool box problems ! Perhaps rub some of the Chinese stowaways syrup on it and all will be well!

  3. Hi Martin(s),

    What a great adventure you guys are experiencing, I'm enjoying monitoring your progress. I wish I and my trusty blues harp could be with you, would be great having to 'fix stuff'!! bit of string, gaffa tape, swiss army knife - all boys own stuff eh!
    Keep the reports coming in.
