Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Leaving Carloforte

We're just about to leave Carloforte.  Walked round the town last night and I've changed my mind.  It's really nice! Lot's of little streets and jabbering Italians all wandering about.  It's not a tourist town and nobody speaks English - which I quite like.  We went back to a little restaurant we visited the first night.  It looked nothing from the outside but was soon full and the food was great!  And the best bit was.... it was only €35 or, in Kuna currency- just six miles!

Anyway, the reason for this second blogette is to say that, if you don't hear from us for two or three days, then either :
A. We've sunk or
B.  There's no wi-fi at Teulada

So the next time you hear from me might be from Palermo!

But Alan, just in case you never hear from us again - the guy did get out of the coffin.  Wouldn't want you worrying about that!


  1. If anyone reads the comments....just thought I would let you know that you wont be getting a blog today or even a blogette. No, they haven't sunk. It is in fact B. There is no wi fi at Teulada. But worse than that, there is no restaurant and no shop for Mr V's ham!! So let us all pause and take a moment or two out of our privileged lives and spare a thought for "The Martins" Thank you.

  2. Life's a struggle isn't it, what with no wifi and no ham! They will just have to talk to each other and eat one of no doubt many tins of tomatoes!!

  3. Don't feel too sorry! I hear they eascaped back to civilisation by taxi!

  4. Yes.......and had PIZZA!!

  5. At last something interesting to read when I should be working! Good to hear you're enjoying Carloforte. Not so sure about the nobody speaks English bit but Chris and I did manage in Tuscany last year - "due birra grande" takes a bit of learning but luckily is not easily forgotten!

    No ham eh - what do they eat at funerals then?

    As a frind of mine from Sheffield use to say when confronted with Ham sandwiches for abot he third day in succession ... " Not bloody funeral mate again!" ...

    PS mate is yorkshire for meat and as you know "You can always tell a yorkshireman - but not very much".

  6. Thanks for lettimg me know the guy got out of the coffin. I just need the name of the book now so that I can read it.

    Hoe the next part of the trip goes as well as you've done so far. All credit to the crew and modern technology.

  7. ooooooh dear! You will be ok!! xx

  8. Just back from the Emerald Isle. Not much fuerther with the Ukulele though. It's like starting all over again trying to remember that D is G and A is D and G is C! Missed the only night of music in the local pub in Duncannon having left at 10:45. No one turns up until 11:00pm it seems. Still had a great time although the weather was Irish. Peter stayed on though and kept telling me what I'd missed.

    Have you started Neither Here nor There yet? I'm just reading his latest - The Home. Packed with useless and useful information, just great to come out with in the pub. Did you know that the Jack Russell was originally bred by a vicar in Devon called Jack Russell? Can't tell that one in the pub now.
